The information was not given to the police and it seems that the only people who know why that was are Sharon Shoesmith, the former director of Haringey SS and her deputy Cecilia Hitchen who was sacked last week, along with case worker Maria Ward and two others. But I can understand why such things disappear in a maze of paperwork and red tape.

It seemed to me that the only thing which came out of the programme was a feeling of a buraucratic nightmare which still shows little sign of improvement and an understaffed service where the social workers on the ground are feeling more and more neglected by their bosses and the politicians.
Ed Balls, the Childrens Minister, seemed to have little time for the social workers with whom he has dealt, comparing their input unfavourably to that of teachers. But I believe there is now a real crisis of confidence - people frightened to do or say anything critical for fear of losing their jobs.
The government seems to have thrown a lot at social services - new technology, more management etc etc but at the level where it matters, there are social workers, some under trained, taking on far too much work and bowing under the strain.
And this attitude of creating scapegoats every time there is a tragedy like Baby P will not help the situation one iota.
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