...so George Bush's enforcer returned to the arena condemning President Obama's attempts to restore decency and order to American politics by closing Guantanamo. As always, pitbull Cheney contemptuously dismissed waterboarding, torture, deprivation of human rights and everything else Guantanamo signifies as justified in the interests of American security.
It is an easy argument to sell to the homeland because it plays on fear. An argument that uses some form of moral integrity allied to sound common sense, as Obama is attempting to do, is much harder to sell, and, indeed,the President has had to compromise a little on his original closure plans. But at least his aims and intentions are still firmly fixed on the right goals.
Cheney doesn't care about America's image abroad. He sneered at Obama's 'gaining applause in Europe for closing Guantanamo' He doesn't care about the views of Europe for which he clearly feels some disdain. But we all know this, don't we. He and the Smirking Chimp presided for 8 years over the most immoral and despised American administration in many years, a regime which callously murdered 100,000 Iraqis in order to achive 'regime change' to satisfy America's ambitions in the region. A regime which ignored world opinion and went ahead with its criminal war in Iraq anyway.
That's why so many Americans voted for Obama last November. When they listen to Cheney mouthing his contempt and his distaste for trifling incidentals like human rights, maybe enough of them will remember why they turned their backs on the Republican Party, and once again return the monster to his swamp.
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