This, in my view, is rubbish. What is he suggesting? That we are better off drawing a veil over these excesses thus preserving an impression that our politicians are thoroughly decent people and deserving of our trust? What tripe. Now that the lid is off, I believe there is a public duty to continue examining all these cases and if, as forecast, 375 MPs out of 625 are cleared out of the House of Commons in shame before the next election then so be it.
This is an opportunity for a complete renewal of our political establishment, and it should be grasped with both hands. If people have committed acts of, essentially, fraud with taxpayers money they should go..and let that be a warning to the new MPs who will replace them that times have changed and that the new system they find in place will be strict and relentless.
As for Dr Williams, well I suppose he will carry on chuntering into his beard to anyone who is the least disposed to listen. The crowds must be growing smaller by the day.
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