Labour's permanently beaming little snugglebunny, Hazel Blears, popped her head over the parapet yesterday to voice her opinions on the lamentable state of the Government, of which she is a prominent member. She claims that Ministers have shown a 'lamentable' failure to communicate, that YouTube is not the means by which to launch policy initiatives , that 'slick presentation and clever soundbites' should be left to the Tories and that people don't believe what the Government says. Pretty damning eh?
Ah but wait a minute. This was not, says Bubbly Blears, any hint of an attack on Gordon Brown's leadership. Of course it wasn't, Hazel. We know that Gordon is just a figurehead on the periphery of events and absolutely nothing to do with any of the failings you describe.

They really are spineless these modern Ministers who seem to be so easily bypassed by their leader. If Hazel's article was not an attack on the way Gordon Brown has allowed this situation to come about, I don't know what is. But of course it's not as simple as that. The whole point of Hazel Blears's article is called 'positioning'. You don't say quite enough to get yourself fired...or at least I assume she took advice on how weak Gordon's position is re firing Ministers...but she set herself up for a key post in any post-Brown Labour Party by setting out her stall.
It's all posturing and in-fighting and, at a time when Britain needs its government to be pulling together, hardly a pretty sight
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