It is now clear that our MPs have had the opportunity to canvass their constituency electorate in the weeks since this all blew up and it is equally clear that what they have discovered has frightened them to death. The degree of public revulsion is of such a magnitude that I think many now see their careers exploding before their eyes. That explains why so many MPs are preparing to pay back some staggering sums of money, led by Health Minister Phil Hope who is repaying over £41,000 in additon to a spaniel-like appearance on TV asking for people to start believing in his integrity again.

And Hazel Blears, quietly confessing 'I know people are angry'. Damn right they are Haze..when someone has blatantly worked the 'second home' system as comprehensively as you!!

But still few admit they were wrong. They just concede that people 'view them as wrong'. Ms Blears, Mr Hope and many others must be relieved that they don't have to face the electorate in the next few months, or their careers may have headed for oblivion. Fortunately for them there is the chance for the public mood to cool a little. The 'Nuremberg' parallel continues with the way these people continue to find euphemisms and excuses to justify their behaviour. Two MPs were today sacked from their jobs, one Labour, Elliot Morley and Tory Andrew Mackay. Morley described his claiming £16000 allowances on a mortgage already paid off as 'a sloppy accounting practice for which I take full responsibility' Bullshit, Morley. It's criminal deception which you haven't owned up to.

Mackay and his MP Wife Julie Kirkbride have each claimed a second home allowance on different homes without having a named first home. Mackay apologised, not for his own behaviour, but for listening to the advice of the Fees Office. That's right - find someone else to blame. Another 'Nuremberg' trait. Gutless.

Although I too am angry at what has happened, I hope this doesn't result in a massive cull of our errant MPs. The people guilty of blatant fraud should be booted out of their respective parties and prosecuted to the full extent of the law but maybe the lesser offenders should be given a flea in the ear and left to fight for their careers. I know the prevailing mood is 'they bloody well deserve it' but what would kicking them all out achieve? A wonderful opportunity for minor parties to cash in on the anger and discontent but all you may get is the election of some people of of lesser talents and some, like the BNP, who would be positively dangerous.
But I hope these MPs , now shaking in their boots, regard this as a massive kick up the backside for their impudence and arrogance. It will be hard for many - who have been exposed as claiming massive fortunes and playing the housing market - of saying again 'I am in tune with the wishes of my constituents' without receiving a massive raspberry in response. I hope they all learn from it. Humility is good for the soul.
Readers, I promise to get off the expenses scandal sometime soon but this really is a shattering political event which could change the face of our politics and hence the attention I have given to it. But I will try :)
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