Today at the end of the G20 summit we all heard an American President admit first of all America's culpability in the economic crisis that grips the world. Some might say he could do little else. But he did so in a way which did not hedge bets but was clear and concise, and said it was now America's responsibility to help fix the mess.

Barack Obama talked about American leadership and how his nation should not be embarrassed by its strength and power but how that power was best used when America listened and showed some humility. He talked about America forging international partnerships rather than imposing its will on the world. He talked about a world of different cultures which America would try to understand and deal with rather than confront.
It made the policies of his predecessor and the PNAC think-tank which pushed the proposal that America should impose itself more forcefully and particularly in the middle east, seem a hideous nightmarish memory rather than a hideous nightmarish reality which killed thousands and from which America and Britain are still trying to recover.
I believe this man means what he says. I only hope he is not dragged down by the economic crisis or shot by some lunatic in mid term. He may not be able to save the world's economy overnight but already, in just over 2 months, Barack Obama has changed the world's perception of the United States which had fallen to the most grievous low. Let us all hope he is given the support and the enthusiasm back home to continue doing so for 8 years
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