Sir Alistair Graham, the former chairman of the committee for standards in public life, has said that most MPs simply do not have the mind set that these expenses are intended to help with a hardship but, instead, believe they are a deserved 'perk' of the job. How has it got to that? One of the criteria supposed to be used is 'Could my claim damage the reputation of Parliament?'
Is there any doubt? McNulty when quizzed said he was 'compliant'. What does that mean? Presumably that he followed the dotted 'i's and crossed 't's and decided he was eligible for a bit more brass without any risk. It would appear that he doesn't even stay there. Well why would he when his own home is so near? But he uses it as a 'base'.

This simply smacks of profiteering. These guys are supposed to be setting an example and it's quite clear that they are incapable of doing so. And there is no leadership from the top. It would seem that the British tradition of putting responsible men and women on trust has failed miserably.
Clearly new and swingeing rules need to be brought in to deal with this. If these people are going to behave like irresponsible children who see only a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, then they deserve to be treated like it.
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