Sir Sandy Macara, former head of the British Medical Association, and now a health sdvisor to the government, has maintained that a way of dealing with the take-up problem would be to deny child benefit to all parents who refuse to have their children vaccinated.

Mary Creagh, the left wing MP for Wakefield has suggested that children be banned from starting school until they have been vaccinated.

Are these people mad? Have we finally abandoned any concept of freedom of choice in this country. It now seems to be government by decree. I accept that there are concerns about the take up level but, hell's teeth, there are even more concerns about the three-in-one injection and that's why so many parents are cagey about allowing their children to be vaccinated.
In any event to suggest depriving children of schooling or parents of child support is not the way to go! There needs to be visits, certainly, by health professionals and a programme of persuasion but not this!!
Sir Sandy's proposals, even if they were morally justified, are utter nonsense. There are more middle class parents who have fears about the MMR vaccine and who don't qualify for child benefits. So if this ludicrous proposal was accepted it would target the poorest families on child support.
There might, on the surface, seem to be little between the Dangerous Pictures Act, mentioned in an earlier post, and these proposals. But there is. Both represent a really worrying mind-set by this Labour Government that they know whats best for us. Individual freedom of choice is now simply pushed out of the way in favour of forcing us to accept proposals they KNOW are good for us! It really is a disturbing trait.
OK these ideas are just that - ideas. But at least one of them comes from a wing of the Labour Party for whom I used to have some respect, the Fabians but passionate zeal to improve our society - or so these people think - is now pushing the concept of individual choice out of the window. I hope there are people in the Labour Party who, very soon, wake up and smell the coffee. It could soon be too late!
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