People who support, for whatever reason, laissez-faire immigration always point to what they see as emotive terminology, terms like 'flooding the country' as evidence that white Britain is mindlessly racist.
But if 'flooded' is a subjective term then in parts of inner city England, the influx of migrants of various colours and cultures has been at a rate which has appeared to be saturating in some parts of Britain's cities....and in a documentary to be shown on BBC shortly, it is clear that Britain's 'white tribe' is far from happy. These are not skinheads, members of the British National Party or people who have an aggressive dislike of those who don't look like themselves. They are the local butcher, postman, retired head teacher who see the country in which they grew up and the culture and mores they learned as children, changing at almost blinding speed before their eyes..and they are desperately unhappy about it.
It is a sociological fact, proven throughout history, that new tribes are not readily welcomed in any community. They bring new customs, lifestyles, challenges to existing patterns of behaviour...and disruption to conventional 'tribal customs'. The fact that we no longer wear loin cloths and pray to ju-ju's doesnt change any of this. The human comfort with those of his own kind is a very old one and one not easy to change.
No matter what our politicians might say, no matter what statistics they quote about assimilation of immigrants, they only ever do so on a nation wide basis...more lies, damned lies and statistics. In the UK countryside the pattern of life and make up has not changed much in 100 years. In the inner cities it has changed to a remarkable degree.
In London alone, our capital city, one third of the residents are immigrants and half of all children born in the capital are born to foreign mothers.

It is hard enough for an indigenous population to accept such a volume of immigrants even when they make an effort to integrate, but in the case of many Muslims, in particular, no such attempt has been made and indeed, as we have seen, a proportion of British-born Islamic youth has become dangerously alienated.
In some cities, and the Yorkshire city of Bradford was cited in the documentary, nearly all the traditional white working class institutions have disappeared, swamped by services provided for the, predominantly, asian population of the city which is close to becoming the majority..if that has not already become the case. Working mens clubs have closed, once the mainstay of a working class population in every town...and the white population is not happy
The government has, at last, started to put curbs on immigration...but is it too little too late? I don't blame the Labour government solely except that they walk on so many delicate political eggshells that the impression is often gained that they are frightened to take unpalatable action. What's more their statistics are either pitifully inept or blatant lies..and I suspect a mixture of both. Under the EU charter allowing fellow members of the EU to enter Britain and work, the Government claimed that only 13,000 work permits had been given to Eastern European migrant workers over the past four years. Yet examination of Home Office records proved that the actual number exceeded 800,000!!! How could they make an error of that magnitude? Its either very sloppy or deliberately devious. But its clear why problems are building in British cities.
Past governments back to the 50s all have a share in today's problems and, while they had a clear eye on the economic benefits of cheap labour from the Empire, they seemed to think little about the social consequences of an open door policy.
The native English - for it is England rather than the rest of the UK where immigration problems are rife - are a patient lot in general, not given to mass demonstrations. They tend to reserve their protests for the ballot box and then its not always clear what they are saying. But the rise in the number of right wing fascist party candidates, and their success in local elections, tells its own story.
I don't believe that the English are turning nazi on any large scale. I do believe that there is a huge swathe of white native English voters across, particularly, the inner cities of England who are screaming at the government, 'I don't like what is happening to my country, to my city, to my street, to my way of life....and you are doing nothing about it. I feel helpless as this tide of foreign culture rolls all over me.'
The British government, most of whose ministers live in areas untouched by this massive cultural upheaval, would be wise to listen. The consequences, if they don't, could soon be disastrous.
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