In deciding to do this they have gone beyond the minimal steps recommended by health experts and, in doing so, I believe the government deserves to be congratulated.
It is calculated that the initial scope of vaccination could cost £100 million and the later 'catch up' effort up to a further £200 million.
The United States has already begun such a programme but at a State's individual discretion, Texas being the first to begin such a scheme. Predictably, given the mix of cultural and religious strands of opinion in the US, critics (primarily right wing Republicans) have managed to halt such programmes in some states mainly on the basis that such a facility will encourage promiscuity. Presumably they prefer their women to die horrible deaths as opposed to enjoying sexual intercourse but I can't see the same problems occurring in Britain where so far the public reaction seems to be overwhelmingly in favour.
It will be 20 or 30 years before the effects of the vaccination are really able to be assessed but there is great confidence that the move will bring a sharp downturn in the cases, and consequent deaths, from cervical cancer.
Well done the UK government for taking this particular bull by the horns and having the courage to spend the money on such a comprehensive medical programme.

1 comment:
Bravo! As someone who has had a brush with this very thing, I commend your government for taking action. Thanks to a good doctor, my case was diagnosed early, steps were taken, and almost 20 years later, I have had no problems. I hope this vaccination will keep many from having to go through what I did!
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