It has become clear that we can no longer suggest that the only likely car bombers are disenchanted teenagers from the ghettos, seduced into radical action by the local Imam. Now we have professional men working in our health service who, in their spare time, are trying to kill us. Whether or not these men have been 'turned' since their appointments or whether Al Queda has cunningly taken advantage of Britain' fast-track specialist doctors scheme is something the police are investigating.
What is clear though is the threat to the UK is constant and growing. It would help greatly if we stopped supporting war crimes like the invasion of Iraq, but no one should blind themselves to the fact that we have, not only a minority of Islamic youth seething to become heroes and blow up the country in which they were, possibly, born but we have a vicious and dangerous enemy prepared to send in people from outside using any means at their disposal.
I hate to sound the 'Bulldog' spirit but whatever means they try will fail. Britain has survived the blitz and 20 years of the IRA. It is not going to be thrown into panic by Islamic terrorism. A far bigger fear, and one which must be resisted at all costs, is a backlash against the majority of peace loving Muslims in the UK which will benefit no one except the bloody thirsty barons of Al Queda, providing them with another source of disenchanted recruits. We must never allow that to happen.
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