Kate Winslet has long been hostile to the attitudes of fashion magazines like 'Grazia' who forever harp on about the body weight of women and who constantly put celebrities in the spotlight when they appear to show a little surplus 'spare tire' when on vacation. She has long said that such attitudes are responsible for the increase in anxiety and depression among growing girls with their insistence on the slim hour-glass figure as the norm to aspire to. She has blamed the fashion industry for the rise in anorexic and bulimic conditions among young girls and has even said that such magazines create such a warped mind set among young girls that she won't have them in the house with her young daughter, Mia, now old enough to read and absorb such propaganda.
Sensing an opportunity to get their own back, 'Grazia' appears to have fallen flat on its face and , turning the screw nicely, Miss Winslet has demanded that the substantial libel damages are paid to a charity which specialises in treating eating disorders.
Katie, my sweet, bloody good for you!!!

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