George Bush, for whom the term 'lame duck' is a form of flattery - as most ducks have some sense of direction - is now spending his declining two years (Oh God is it REALLY that long?) in office trying still to look like a Commander in Chief with the respect of all he surveys.

The truth is that the Smirking Chimp (as a good American friend terms him) looks like the survivor of a train smash staggering from one smouldering piece of wreckage to another looking for help.
He is currently in Jordan with the Prime Minister of Iraq discussing ways the Americans can blame Iraq for the current state of civil war....ooops sorry, searching for ways in which the warring communities of Iraq can be pulled together by fresh initiatives by the Iraqi Government.
Because its not a civil war is it. Its just a little local difficulty and 'shucks well folks, y'all know that I'm no quitter. Times are tough right now but we are gonna win....' etc etc but no one is listening.
His removal of the Taleban in Afghanistan then leaving the ruins of the country to other NATO nations "We don't DO nation building!" has meant that British forces have faced - surprise, surprise - the Taleban who simply fell back and regrouped. Every military adventure undertaken by the Bush Government has been a catastrophic failure. Now Bush and Blair are desperately trying to get other nations to take over the responsibility. Like trying to sell a car that has no brakes.

The truth is that Bush can talk all he likes but his War on Terror is a miserable incompetent failure which will be judged by history as one of the most disastrous and despicable political decisions in American history. His military adventure has failed, people are being murdered by the hundreds in Iraq every day while the Americans look on in helpless impotence. His promised peace initiatives in Palestine have withered on the vine and the Republican Administration simply looks helpless and useless..which in fact it is.
I can only hope that the Democrats who now control Congress can come up with a compromise solution that gets American troops out of Iraq. Nothing will be accomplished by the Iraqi Government until that takes place. That may well mean that the current Iraqi Government is overthrown and one which is anathema to the Americans is returned. No matter. What is needed is some form of stability returned to that sad country regardless of its political hue.
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